Tuesday, August 15, 2006

SILICA: This is a product I had figured was inevitable...

Tell SILICA to scan every machine on every wireless network for file shares and download anything of interest to the SILICA device. Then just put it in your suit pocket and walk through your target's office space.

IMMUNITY : Knowing You're Secure

In my sweaty fantasy life I had imagined such a product.  A self contained pocket sized Linux box with all of the exploit software you could want.

If I were a network admin I would be having difficulty sleeping.  Actually I would be filling out a PO for one of these to see if I could preemptively crack the system.  In fact, I would purchase several and have my staff carry them around just to see if they find anything.

It would be great if the device would light up or buzz when it found a vulnerability.  That way you could carry it around like a cell phone or pager and wait for it to let you know if it found anything.

If it works like they say it is very very cool.....

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Python Perl interop

This is something I've been looking for for a while. I'm a huge fan of scripting languages, however their interop story is lousy. Each can talk to C pretty well, however they can't talk to each other.

This is surprising given that they all run on virtual machines. Microsoft's .Net framework does an excellent job of language interop (given the caveat that your language must conform to the CLR). I hope that someone takes this up in the future.

Cheese Shop: PythonPerl 0.9Allows embedding of Perl in Python.Author: Bruno Obsomer Download URL: http://ece.fsa.ucl.ac.be/bobsomer/PythonPerl.tgzDescription: This package allows to put true Perl code into a Python program. It can: - execute code a string of code - execute a Perl file - set and get Perl variables in PythonThe code will be executed by a true Perl interpreter (thus requires to install it separately).License: GPLClassifiers: Cheese Shop Owner: bobzomer

Python Cheese Shop : PythonPerl 0.9

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