Wednesday, May 12, 2004

First Looks

Greetings world ...

This is my first step into the world of blogging. I am an Engineer who writes software. As such I feel it is a bit of a cop-out to write a blog using something like Blogger. Real engineers craft their own blogs natively out of Java or .NET with hosted databases. I have designed a blog engine, however I also have a bunch of children. So guess what, I'm going to choose the simple route.

I am a pragmatic engineer, who sees too much pain and suffering in project because of disconnects between true customer needs and mis-use of software technology. I plan on using this as a forum for expressing my great thoughts on engineering. My particular bugbears are abstractions and patterns. I have seen these over used and mis-used. More horror stories another day...

I need to get to bed now. Perhaps you'll see more activity here in the near future.

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